Perfect wines for every occasion.
The Vodka Martini
Axberg Vodka is distilled in Northern Austria where all of the raw materials are produced organically in the surrounding orchards. Mulan wheat is distilled in copper stills, unwanted turbidity and flavorings are filtered out by means of frost and sterilization filters resulting in a refined and pure crystal-clear vodka. Clean length and a slight fruity sweetness with no added sugars sets this spirit apart.
Included in your CB Martini Package:
- 1 bottle of Axberg Vodka
- 2 Riedel Crystal Veritas Cocktail Coupes
- 1 mixing glass + strainer
- 1 mixing spoon
- 1 jigger
- 2 metal olive skewers
- 1 jar of Martini olives
- 1 CB bistro napkin